The Home-Buying Experience
With the Del Preto Mortgage Team

  1. Schedule call or zoom to review your goals and preferences (When scheduling note zoom if preferred)
  2. Complete goals and preferences questionnaire
  3. Submit info and documents – A and N Secure Hub
    1. You can submit prior to our initial meeting if you'd like to hit the ground running and/or want to complete pre-approval ASAP.
    2. No action will be taken until our meeting. Everything is a work in progress, so go with your best guess for now, and we can adjust as needed.
  4. Receive "worksheet email" personalized to your goals and preferences
    1. The email and worksheets will explain estimated monthly payments, closing costs and all funds needed to close.
  5. Have a follow-up call or zoom
    1. Review loan approval and options.
    2. Discuss any and all questions.
    3. Determine your ideal purchase price and down payment where you're comfortable.
  6. Complete pre-approval
    1. If eligible, use the A and N pre-contract underwriter approval to help you win a contract.
      1. Get approved by underwriting before making offers.
      2. Stronger than pre-approval and less to do once you're under contract.
      3. Stand out to sellers over other buyers who are only pre-approved.
  7. Home search with your agent
    1. Use our mortgage calculator for property-specific monthly payments.
    2. Request property-specific worksheets prior to making an offer.
    3. Request property-specific pre-approval letter to include with offer.
  8. Negotiate the purchase price
    1. Once you and the seller agree on the terms, a contract is created and signed.
  9. Pay the earnest money deposit
  10. Review 'Contract to Close' steps detailing every step with the Del Preto Mortgage Team
  11. Complete mortgage approval process
  12. Closing at title company
  13. Create Homebot account
    1. You will be given access to a homeowner website that the Del Preto Mortgage Team has paid for to help our clients build wealth through real estate.
Mortgage Home Purchase Loans without the Hassle!
30 years
Do I Qualify?

Do I Qualify?

To determine if you qualify, lenders review your total monthly debt (proposed housing payment + regular monthly debt) as a percentage of your total gross monthly income. The acceptable percentage (DTI) will vary depending upon the specific loan program for which you apply.

Qualify Me Now!
Do I Qualify?

Get Your Pre-Approval Letter Now!

Home Purchase Qualifier!